Saturday, September 22, 2018

"You've Got this"

The Close to My Heart paper is wonderful.  The Grateful Heart paper has a cute Workshop Your Way for cards.  I am using these as 2 of the 3 cards at Baraboo UMC for October.  The other will be a Thanksgiving card. 

I am thinking of offering the Workshop Your Way scrapbook pages with an Online Facebook group.  Some of the pages involve cards which need inks and stamps.  The Card Workshop Your Way do need those things plus thin cuts.  I have everything you need at the house but it would be harder to do online. 

Think about it.  If you see a card workshop you really like, let me know and we can work out getting together.  The scrapbook pages for Workshop Your Way themselves do not need stamps or inks.  I could do a video step by step what you need to do after you order the Workshop Your Way scrapbooking.  If there are cards, like the card workshop itself there would be some logistics of getting together. 

Let me know if you are interested in doing a class online. 

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